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Visualise and evaluate media coverage

Want to visualise and evaluate media coverage trends?

Extract deeper insight from media coverage to guide and evaluate communications strategy and campaign performance, provide market intelligence and much more
Qualitative and quantitative media analysis insights

Understand the effectiveness of your communications

Mediamine’s analysts assess a range of media metrics specific to your analysis goals. 


We use qualitative and quantitative analysis to extract detailed insight from your organisation’s media coverage.

Easy to consume analytical reports

We will work with you to build your analysis metrics, identifying key issues, people, topics, messages and more.


All relevant media coverage is then coded and the analysis is delivered back to you in our IQ2 interactive dashboard.


We can also analyse relevant retrospective coverage of your business interests. This allows you to look back at your coverage and can help create a benchmark for setting goals. 

Interactive media insights dashboard
Communication strategies

Aid future communication strategies

By capturing views and opinions from news media and the general public, we can build a picture of how your organisation or industry is being portrayed to the public through the media.


The insights gained from media analysis can aid future communications strategy and help contextualise your organisation’s media presence.


Optimise your media analysis with our Quality Score Reporting.

Guided measurement strengthens communications

AMEC and PR representatives from around the globe established the Barcelona Principles, a set of seven guidelines to consistently measure the success of PR campaigns.


We use these principles to guide our analysis and media measurement approach and strategies.


Read more about the Barcelona Principles.

Media Analysis Benefits:

  • Assist communication strategies

  • Contextualise your media presence

  • Easy to consume IQ2 dashboard reports

  • Comprehensive insight into industry trends, events and issues.

  • Evaluate your organisations' goals

Media Analysis Custom Features:

Analyst coded metrics
  • Analyst-coded Metrics

  • Benchmark Analysis

Topic and issue tracking
  • Topic and Issue Tracking

Quality score reporting
  • Quality Score Reporting

Interactive reports
  • Interactive IQ2 Report

Written summaries
  • Written Summaries


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