Age Concern NZ’s (ACNZ) 2016 Elder Abuse Awareness Week campaign captured the attention of the media across the nation and Mediamine ensured they had the data to show it.
“We measured media mentions of ‘elder abuse’ and ‘Age Concern’. In the week before we started, we only got 20 items; during the campaign week, that quadrupled to more than 80,” said Elliot.
“We were really happy with that result, as it showed we’d achieved our goal of starting a national conversation about elder abuse. Having hard data to show that was also a big positive for me, as it meant I could prove the investment we’d made was worth it.”
Age Concern used a combination of social and traditional media channels to promote its messages. Elliot produced two press releases and gained further leverage with regional newspapers in areas with Age Concern branches.
“The releases were focused on our key messaging and included a lot of statistics. We got six different radio interview requests, which allowed us to reinforce those messages,” said Elliot.
“We found that newspapers wanted local angles, so we leveraged our network of 35 branches to get good regional coverage in places like Canterbury and Manawatu.
“It was all positive coverage that also highlighted the fact Age Concern is here to help older people and that we’re spread out all over the country.”
Amnesty International, St John, Red Cross, Age Concern and the Selwyn Foundation have all used Mediamine to track media mentions of their organisations and associated issues, helping them to better understand how they and their work is being portrayed.